cult film

PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE @ The Royal “He sold his soul for rock-n-roll,” read the tagline for Brian De Palma’s satirical Phantom of the Opera for the ’70s rock scene. After hearing Winslow Leach (William Finley) perform a song from his Faust rock opera, Phil Spector-ish impresario Swan (Paul Williams) decides that Winslow’s opera would be the perfect debut attraction for […]

THE ROOM an Entertaining Experience at the Royal

by allan tong for FILMbutton Watching Tommy Wiseau’s The Room for the first time with an audience is like a virgin entering a whorehouse on New Year’s Eve. First off, the place is packed with folks wearing director/writer/producer/star Tommy Wiseau’s t-shirts, featuring his stringy black hair and grizzled face. The shirt and poster look like […]