Terrence Malick’s KNIGHT OF CUPS Has US Premiere @ SBIFF

  1. Producer Sarah Green KNIGHT OF CUPS The New Terrence Malick Film @ the 2016 SBIFF
  2. Producer Sarah Green Mentions the Upcoming Terrence Malick IMAX Film VOYAGE OF TIME @ the 2016 SBIFF

Super bowl Sunday was a big day for Santa Barbara’s film festival, with two free community screenings, multiple Q&As with up and coming as well as established filmmakers, and the U.S. premiere of Terrence Malick’s KNIGHT OF CUPS.

The night concluded with a nearly packed house at the U.S. premiere of KNIGHT OF CUPS. Producer Sarah Green introduced the film starring Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett and Natalie Portman and gave the audience an insider tip to following along with the story – she told them to pay special attention to the voiceover, the one telling a story of a young prince, a journey, and a pearl.

Please visit SBIFF Website for more info on the festival

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