Based on a true story, Gabriel — a young boy born to a French father and Rwandan mother — grows up in the small African country of Burundi. Despite some tension in his family life, Gabriel lives a carefree life — until civil unrest in Rwanda spills over into Burundi. Set in the 1990s, Gabriel experiences a ‘coming of age’ story while in the middle of the bloodshed between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups. Adapted from Gaël Faye’s semi-autobiographical book, Small Country: An African Childhood tells the story of a young boy’s lost innocence.
Eric Barbier. An award winning French writer and director best known for Promise at Dawn (2017) and Le brasier (1991). He won the Prix Jean Vigo award for his debut feature film Le Brasier (1991). With Small Country: An African Childhood, Barbier received a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay at the César Awards. – ICFF Website
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