The story follows the incredible adventures of four long-time best friends, Giulio, Gemma, Paolo and Riccardo from their cheerful and carefree childhood days to their complex and troublesome adult years.
Taking place between the early 1980s and modern times, the film takes a deep dive into the theme of friendship and adulthood, while recounting the history and changes of Italy and Italians over the span of 40 years.Gabriele Muccino. Gabriele Muccino began his career in film at a very young age. In 1997, Muccino makes his debut with Ecco fatto, followed by But Forever in My Mind, and The Last Kiss, which won him 5 David of Donatello and the People’s Choice Award at the Sundance Film Festival. Muccino makes his Hollywood debut with the films, The Pursuit of Happiness, and Seven Pounds, both starring Will Smith. In 2010 he releases Kiss Me Again, sequel of The Last Kiss, and in 2012 goes back to the US to direct Playing for Keeps. In 2015 he directed Fathers and Daughters, followed by Summertime, There’s No Place Like Home , and his latest film, The Best Years, released in 2020. – ICFF Website
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