Telefilm Launches New Professional Development Workshops

from telefilm

The film industry is currently undergoing a groundswell of change, facing great opportunities in this digital era. Building on the success of the Web-Ciné 360 program, Telefilm launches a new series of online marketing and multiplatform strategies workshops.

With the initiative, Telefilm hopes to better equip Canadian filmmakers for the realities of the multiplatform world and the immense potential of the Web to mobilize a devoted audience at the very earliest stages – well before traditional marketing.

Peter Broderick, President of Paradigm Consulting, will deliver a keynote address at the Vancouver, Toronto and Halifax workshops. As a leading member of the ultra-low budget feature movement, Broderick specializes in state-of-the-art distribution strategies for feature films.

Workshops are open to Canadian feature film directors, producers and distributors on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Dates are scheduled throughout early 2011, kicking off in Vancouver January 17, followed by Toronto on February 4, and Halifax on February 7.

Two workshops will also be offered in Montreal – an English-language workshop on February 22, followed by a French-language workshop on February 23.

Telefilm has mandated Agentic Communications to deliver the Vancouver, Toronto and Halifax workshops and L’institut national de l’image et du son (L’inis) for delivering the Montreal workshops.

Registration and travel subsidy information is available online.

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